Ione Bartoli
Photo: 2nd session of the 1st legislative period (1970–1975) of the regional council of Emilia Romagna, first Councillor for Social Services Ione Bartoli (1970–1980)

Eletta Bertani
Photo: 8th March celebrations 1969, Eletta Bertani, in charge of the organization of the “Union of Italian Women” (UDI) in the Provincial Secretariat for the execution of the UDI Steering Committee’s decisions (1968–1970)

Giacomina Castagnetti
(*1925; †2024)
Photo: Via Emilia, Reggio Emilia, 10th September 1944, Giacomina Castagnetti, partisan courier (staffetta) (1943–1945)

Loretta Giaroni
Photo: Town Hall of Reggio Emilia, Sala del Tricolore, 1967, Loretta Giaroni, Councillor for Schools and Social Services of the City of Reggio Emilia (1967–1975)

Lidia Greci
(*1929; †2022)
Photo: In the house of Alcide Cervi, 5th May 1967, Lidia Greci, Social Councillor in the City of Reggio Emilia (1956–1966)

Marta Lusuardi
(*1927; 2023)
Photo: First provincial exhibition of children’s drawings, Teatro Municipale, Reggio Emilia, May 1966, Marta Lusuardi, Administrative Head of the Office of the Director (Loris Malaguzzi) of the municipal day nurseries and the „scuole dell’infanzia“ (schools for 3- to 6-year-olds) in Reggio Emilia (1970–1978)

Carla Nironi
Photo: National Conference of the “Union of Italian Women” (Unione Donne Italiane, UDI), Bologna, 22nd February 1970, Carla Nironi, Assistant of Loris Malaguzzi (1969–1993)